Established in 1987 Moorgate Forklifts provide maintenance and repair of materials handling equipment as well as offering a full range of new and used equipment for sale or to hire.

The MD was looking to add more structure and systems to the business to take it to its Next Level. There was a need to systematise areas of the business so that they could be managed and understood by different members of the team.


  • Day to day business more structured, systematised and efficient
  • Sales and productivity increased
  • Business growing ahead of competitors
  • Marketing, accounts and CRM functioning more professionally
To find out more about how we can help your business, please Contact Us

What We Did

  • Introduced a CRM system to manage customers and prospects
  • Improved accounting systems for better reporting
  • Implemented structured purchasing and stock systems

“Our business is more structured and more productive. We are more professional and have a better understanding of customer needs and today’s trends which is helping us as a Company move ahead of our competition.”

– Neil Brook, Managing Director at Moorgate Forklifts

To find out where you need to focus in order to take your systems to the Next Level,
why not take our Systems Healthcheck?