AutoDrain are market leaders in the manufacture of depollution equipment and fuel recovery systems for the efficient removal and safe handling of waste from end of life vehicles, which they sell throughout the UK and Europe.

To combat a downturn in demand Autodrain wanted to increase turnover, grow the business and put the necessary procedures in place that would give the MD an exact account of how the business was operating at any specific moment in time.


  • Increased sales by 60%
  • Robust KPI’s give instant and up to date business performance information
  • Staff are all fully aware of exactly what’s expected of them
  • Recruitment process is producing a higher calibre of new employees
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What We Did

  • Created a clearly defined step-by-step Sales Process with key stages
  • Defined the critical activity that needs to happen at each stage
  • Designed a specific set of sales reports and KPI’s to help manage sales
  • Trained the sales staff on the Sales Process

  • Developed a unique recruitment and selection process
  • Created Positional Contracts for every role in the business
  • Introduced a system to monitor and measure each individual’s performance

  • Reviewed all KPI’s that were in place
  • Introduced new KPI’s to measure profit per product and per industry sector
  • Created an ongoing review structure for all systems

“We now have positional contracts for every role, clear rules of the game and published KPI’s for all departments. Efficiency has improved and subsequently so have sales.”

– Paul Dixon, Managing Director at AutoDrain

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