Established in 1991 New Springwood Nursery is a private day nursery that provides full day care to between the ages of three months and five years and aims to provide a flexible service to meet the needs of parents, young children and their primary carers in the surrounding area.

The owners wanted to reduce the hours they were working and delegate more to their staff to make the business run more efficiently and effectively.


  • Turnover increased by 15%
  • Partners’ working week reduced by 30%
  • The business can now be run efficiently and effectively by the staff
  • 100% subscribed with constant waiting list
  • Achieved ‘Good with Outstanding features’ from Ofsted
To find out more about how we can help your business, please Contact Us

What We Did

  • Wrote Positional Contracts for every role
  • Introduced structured staff reviews
  • Created an ongoing training and development program

“We have moved further in the last two years than we did in the first ten due to having the skills and tools that Ian has taught us.”

– Lesley Watson, Partner at New Springwood Nursery

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