As a full service advertising and design agency, Advertising Works deal with clients from various market sectors with their forte lying within the new home property developer market, working closely with numerous blue chip companies.

Adworks wanted to develop their sales process and have a more organised and structured approach to selling.


  • A uniformed approach to sales throughout the company
  • Staff all have a better understanding of the Sales Process
  • Sales increased and average sales value increased
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  • Created a clearly defined step-by-step Sales Process with key stages
  • Defined the critical activity that needs to happen at each stage
  • Documented supporting marketing materials for each stage

“The new sales process immediately brought in new clients and increased our sales to existing customers”

– Lee Hepworth, Account Executive at Adworks

To find out where you need to focus in order to take your business to its Next Level,
why not take our Sales Healthcheck?