Established in 2004 Space Creative is a full service design agency covering all aspects of graphic and web design. Their clients range from small private businesses right through to large public sector organisations.

The business wanted to put in place processes and systems as the company and staff grew. The MD was seeking guidance on communication, management and leadership skills and to develop a strategic plan for the future.


  • Clearly defined systems mean the business is far more efficient
  • Improved communication has led to increased productivity
  • Individual team members interact far more positively with others
To find out more about how we can help your business, please Contact Us

What We Did

  • Carried out DiSC Profiling to identify individual’s communication styles
  • Used the results of DiSC to improve interaction between team members
  • Implemented a structured meeting discipline to highlight key areas of focus

“The DiSC profiling and other communication tools have changed how I behave towards others and have benefitted all of my life not just my business – extreme but true!”

– Kate Eady, Managing Director at Space Creative

To find out where you need to focus in order to take your communication to the
Next Level, why not take our Communication Healthcheck?