Campus PR are communications professionals who specialise in representing universities, organisations involved in technology and knowledge transfer and young knowledge and technology based companies.

The business was growing with ambition to grow further but it was hampered by a lack of processes and procedures. The directors wanted to instigate robust processes and procedures to streamline the business, and to seek advice on areas of weakness that could be improved to strengthen the business.


  • Business more streamlined with robust processes and procedures in place
  • Staff roles clearly defined and morale increased
  • Directors have a clear strategic plan and are more confident in decision making
  • Clearly defined recruitment process in place saving time and money
  • Sales and marketing strategy bringing measurable results
To find out more about how we can help your business, please Contact Us

  • Provided the targets and tools for the directors to achieve their vision
  • Provided support and accountability for the directors
  • Helped the directors manage their time and focus on strategy

“Ian gets straight to the core of your business so that it can be strengthened from within. He gives you the tools to be able to make fundamental changes and the support to be a more confident business person.”

– Jo Kelly, Director at Campus PR

To find out where you need to focus in order to take your business to its Next Level,
why not take our Business Healthcheck?